martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015


La Plata, Huila September 29th 2015
Teaching  young learners implies not only teaching them speaking, listening, reading or writing but looking at the students as someone who brings their beliefs, their culture and their personal experiences to the classroom. One essential point in my teaching practice is the personal contact with my students. It is necessary that teachers get familiar with the different concerns that affect students. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to know who my students are. Social conditions in public schools are different and very difficult and those conditions affect students learning.   Many of my students work for living, handle with social problems like violence or drugs and even many of them do not have parents that support their learning process. We as teachers should bear in mind that our work deals with human beings rather than subjects. Consequently, I try to talk to my students and listen to them. Obviously, you as a teacher needs to show students what responsibility is even when we have difficult times. Moreover, some students are just sitting down in the classroom because they have to, but they are not really involved in learning. The challenge is to have students invested in the learning process.
For those reasons, teachers need to provide students meaningful and interesting experiences at the school, to make students feel that they really need to attend classes and construct their own knowledge and what it is more important teachers need to make students look at education as the only way they have to change their reality. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Sandra,
    Nice ideas. Did you focus this interesting journal on a specific EFL lesson?
    And as an apart comment; I think you should change the color of the letter in this journal because it results difficult to read with that color.

  2. Dear Sandrita,

    I liked your reflection. I totally agree with you in the fact that teachers should provide with facilities and tools to the students. In this sense, we are providing meaningful and interesting input to our students. Nice!
